1. Off with the ranger
Let yourself be carried away by the beautiful forests of the Vuursche under the inspiring lead of a forester from Staatsbosbeheer, who will tell you all about nature .. Bet you will look differently too!
Price: € 10.00 pp - number of people: min 15 - max 25
2. Conversation starters
Go out in small groups, a walk is by definition the time for a good conversation. To give this extra content, we place signs with "conversation starters" in various places in the forest. These can be statements or questions related to team members, strategy and vision or ...
Price: € 10.00 pp - number of people: min 15 - max 30
3. Team geo-caching
During this walk in the forest you will set out in teams, armed with a GPS device. You can find tubes on the different waypoints - this contains questions about your team members. How well do you actually know each other?
Price: € 15.00 pp - number of people: min 20 - max 40